Pickleball Magazine 5-5 WD | Page 66

health & nutrition

By Brandi Givens , RDN

Stay Court-Ready with Immune- Boosting Foods

No doubt about it , COVID-19 put quite a block

on pickleball play this year . While the future of the virus is unpredictable , one thing we do have some control over is how we take care of ourselves , including what we choose to eat .
Much like consistent pickleball practice improves abilities over time , healthy eating habits increase immune function over time , not overnight . Perhaps more accurately , a diet deficient in nutrients can weaken your immune system . A dedicated commitment to eating a varied , plant-strong diet , including foods with the following key nutrients , will give you your best shot at staying well and court-ready .
We need adequate protein to build everything in our bodies including immune system cells and antibodies . High-quality protein can be found in both plant and animal sources . The average recreational player needs about . 9 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight daily .
Best Shots : Beef , poultry , fish , eggs , dairy , beans , peas , lentils , quinoa , nuts , whole grains
Vitamin C is important for healthy tissues including skin and muscles . It plays a role in the immune system by taming wayward molecules that might otherwise do damage , and by stimulating antibody production . Fresh fruits and veggies are the highest sources of vitamin C ; cooking or storing produce too long reduces vitamin potency .
Best Shots : Papaya , peppers , broccoli , strawberries , Brussels sprouts , pineapple , oranges , tomatoes
Some forms of vitamin A including beta-carotene can increase immune cell function and help keep tissues healthy . Orange and yellow fruits and vegetables tend to be highest in vitamin A .
Best Shots : Pumpkin , sweet potatoes , carrots , red and yellow peppers , apricots , dark green leafy vegetables , winter squash , chili peppers
Important for T-cell function , deficiency in this mineral can reduce immune abilities quickly . Luckily symptoms can be reversed once zinc is reintroduced . Try