Pickleball Magazine 5-4 WD | Page 70

ask the pickleball doctor By Noe Sariban, PT, DPT www.thepickleballdoctor.com How To Play Your Best Pickleball! Let’s face it, pickleball has arrived and is here to stay. It’s no longer merely considered a game— it’s become a competitive sport, with prize money for Pro divisions increasing year by year. As with most sports, it requires certain attributes to be successful. In addition to drilling and practicing your pickleball skills, mobility, stability, functional movement, strength, power and agility are necessary physical requirements for any athlete to perform at a high level. But where do you start when you’re not sure how to improve your physical attributes? The first step to improving is to consider a pyramid approach to your athleticism: At the base of the pyramid is mobility. Without adequate mobility throughout your body, you’re placing yourself at high risk for injury when playing pickleball. 68 TO SUBSCRIBE, CALL 888.308.3720 OR GO TO PICKLEBALLMAGAZINE.COM