Pickleball Magazine 5-3 | Page 40

[ Rusty Howes & Wes Gabrielsen on the Third Shot Drop ] The THIRD SHOT DROP DRILL Rusty Howes, creator of Pickleball Channel, and Wes Gabrielsen, a 5.0 player and winner of multiple pickleball championships, offer tips on how to master the Third Shot Drop. RUSTY: To watch the complete video version of this drill, go to pickleballchannel.com/third-shot-drop. WES: Well, as you know, in pickleball, hitting a third shot drop is a very important part of the game. And oftentimes, some of the better players have a hard time keeping the ball low on this shot. I’m going to give you some tips today on how to improve that third ball drop. The third shot drop is when a player is at the baseline trying to hit the ball from deep in the court into the kitchen. One challenge that people face when they hit this shot is they often hit it too far. Here are some tips to help you make sure you hit a good third shot. A DIFFERENT STROKE It’s important to know that when you’re hitting this third shot drop, you’re not hitting a soft forehand. You’re actually hitting a different stroke. The challenge of hitting a soft forehand is that it’s difficult to actually drop the ball in the kitchen. The trajectory of the shot is a flatter shot, and it’s more difficult to control. What often happens is that people hit their forehand too hard, because they’re trying to hit it over the net. As a result, it usually goes right to their opponent (to volley). STAY LOW AND LIFT When you’re hitting a third shot drop, it’s important to follow a few key steps in order to be successful. First of all, when you hit the shot, you want to make sure that you get low to the ground. Stay low through contact. You do not want to pop your body up too early. This is going to allow you to hit the ball up and drop it effectively in the kitchen. Next, you want to make sure that your paddle face is open. As you’re hitting this shot, it’s important that the ball 38 TO SUBSCRIBE, CALL 888.308.3720 OR GO TO THEPICKLEBALLMAG.COM