Pickleball Magazine 5-3 WD | Page 8

PUBLISHER’S PLAYBOOK Yes, these are unprecedented times. COVID-19 has temporarily put a damper on all things pickleball. At the same time, the curve is flattening and states are cautiously opening up. In the pickleball world, there is discussion of revisiting plans for tours and other events that were previously postponed. Pickleball manufacturers are also using this time to research and develop future technologies that we will certainly be seeing in 2021. While all of this is going on, we have been using our “at home” time to improve our offerings to you! New Website Pickleball Magazine has been revamping our website to include dozens of current and past instructional videos and articles as well as a Rules Q&A section, Health and Wellness articles, an Online Store, a link to Traveling Camps, and much more. Check us out at www.thepickleballmag.com. Different Formats for Our Printed Magazine and the E-Magazine For the past few years, we have been printing Pickleball Magazine and also creating a digital e-link for readers to view from their computers and smart devices. We are in the process of transitioning the format of the e-magazine to be different from the print version. The e-magazine will include more videos on instruction and play, while the printed magazine will focus on in-depth instructional articles, health and wellness, products, profiles, news, and more. Pickleball Camps Pickleball Magazine has been a proud partner of LevelUp Pickleball Camps for the past four years. While COVID-19 caused the cancellation of dozens of camps in March, April, and May, processes are being put into place to resume instruction in June. These same steps should be considered for all people still playing recreationally. They include nitrile or other gloves, masks, bringing your own water bottle (no public fountains), hand sanitizer for the paddle and when the gloves come off, and keeping social distancing at 6 feet. To learn more about the camps being offered this summer and fall, go to www.LevelUpPickleballCamps.com. That’s all for now. Until next issue, utilize safe practices and I look forward to seeing you on the courts soon! Wayne Dollard Publisher A Publication of Dollard Publishing Co., Inc. 11 Mayview Road, Canonsburg, PA 15317 www.thepickleballmag.com PUBLISHER Wayne Dollard EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Julie Talerico [email protected] ART DIRECTOR Michael Miller SALES MANAGER Dominic Bianco CONTRIBUTORS Sarah Ansboury Jack Bandel Joe Dinoffer Rob Elliott Morgan Evans Wesley Gabrielsen Laura Gainor Brandi Givens James Hackenberg Alex Hamner Rusty Howes Ben Johns Dick Johnson Lucy Kitcher Jennifer Lucore Craig Laughlin Bob Nibarger Steve Paranto Seymour Rifkind Irina Tereschenko Alice Tym Bob Unetich Drew Wathey Dave Weinbach Dollard Publishing Co., Inc. publishes six issues of Pickleball Magazine per year. Subscriptions are $24 per year. To subscribe, call 888.308.3720 or go to thepickleballmag.com. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED. © 2020 Please recycle this magazine when you are through enjoying it. 6 TO SUBSCRIBE, CALL 888.308.3720 OR GO TO THEPICKLEBALLMAG.COM