Pickleball Magazine 5-3 WD | Page 20

INSTRUCTION By PPR’s Sarah Ansboury & Nicole Hobson Pickleball is BACK—Kinda! Pickleball courts are opening up again for many of us, with restrictions and precautions—limited number of courts, limit on the number of players per court, sanitizing equipment, etc. As pickleball addicts, we don’t care—we’re just jonesing to hear the sweet sound of our paddle hitting that plastic pickleball. Now to reality. How do we come back from quarantine—a time stuck indoors with limited exercise, comply with restrictions and still play the sport we love? Here are some tips and drills so you can come back slowly and comply with whatever the restrictions are in your area. 1. Warming up is more important than ever. As pickleball players, we typically hit a couple of dinks, a couple of 3rds, maybe a few serves and returns, and we are ready to go. Even though your brain may say this kind of warm-up is OK, your body will suffer later. Before you play, make sure you elevate your heart rate with some sort of dynamic warm-up such as marching or jogging in place, butt kicks, touching your right hand or elbow to your 18 TO SUBSCRIBE, CALL 888.308.3720 OR GO TO THEPICKLEBALLMAG.COM