By Justin Maloof
Good News on the Horizon—State and
Local Officials Begin Lifting Restrictions
At the time of my last article, we
were only a few short weeks into
the COVID-19 pandemic. States
and communities were shutting down
across the country and pickleball
play was halted. Stay-at-home mandates and
restrictions limited or eliminated even recreational
play opportunities. Tournaments, including USA
Pickleball sanctioned events, were being postponed or
Two months later and finally there appears to be
hope on the horizon for a return to the sport we love.
Some (not all) states have relaxed or lifted their stayat-home
requirements, and recreational pickleball
play is available again in several areas. To assist those
who live in areas that have open courts and have
made their own decision to return to recreational
play, in May, USA Pickleball released some helpful
guidelines regarding a safer return to play. These
guidelines can be found at
While the opening of courts is a positive sign
for a return to recreational play, social distancing
requirements and limitations on social gatherings
means that a return to tournament play could still
take time. At the time of this article, USA Pickleball’s
suspension of sanctioned play runs through June 15.
USA Pickleball remains in contact with several
of the U.S. national governing sport bodies
and organizations as we collectively attempt to
determine when and, more importantly, how
tournaments can be facilitated again.
As we continue to monitor the situation and make
plans for a safe return to competitive play, we have
been working with several of our sponsors and
partners, all of whom have also been impacted by
the virus. During these discussions, we have secured
several new offers/incentives that, in turn, we can
pass along to members and prospective members.
The result is called the USAPA 20 for 20 Incentive
Program, whereby a $20 annual membership will
have access to several new pickleball-related offers—
any one of which is designed to offset the annual cost
of the USAPA one-year membership. The program is
designed to run for a limited time (expires July 31).
During the program, additional one- and two-day
“flash sales” will be available for members to take
advantage. For details and redemption information,
go to
In addition to 20 for 20, USAPA is also working
with our partners to provide a limited number of
“value kits” for sanctioned tournaments. Each kit
will contain several paddles, bags, apparel items and
other items of value that can be used by tournament
directors for giveaways and raffles. Details of this
program are being finalized and will be available to
tournament directors very soon.
In the meantime, stay safe and stay healthy. Please
continue to take good care of yourself and your family
members. It is because of you, our members, that we
will be bigger and stronger soon! •