By PPR’s Sarah Ansboury
& Nicole Hobson
Where Should I Hit the Ball?
ow many times have you
either said or heard that?
This is usually meant
as part of a strategy with
a team, meaning should you target a
certain person, a weaker player or a
specific side because the opponents
are unknown or perhaps the weather
is a factor.
Have you ever thought about the
fact that where you make contact
with the ball has a direct effect on
the placement of the ball you hit to
your opponents? Think about it, if
you make contact with the pickleball
too close to your body, where does
your shot go? Think about a third or
even fifth shot. If you short-hop the
shot, are you able to consistently
control the speed, pace and height
easily? Probably not.
What about when you completely stretch out for a
ball? Maybe the pickleball barely trickles over the net and
all you can do is get a paddle on it with your body almost
in a straight line. Can you control your shot? Again,
probably not.
Sometimes your contact point is out of your control—
just like a net cord—however, most of the time you’re in
more control than you think. Focus on making contact
with the ball in front of you, your paddle hand slightly
bent at the elbow hinging from the shoulder. Notice that
you will have a lot more control of your shot, control of
the depth, the pace, and, of course, the placement.
Now that we’re in the midst of social distancing to stop
the spread of COVID-19 and places to play pickleball
are closed, there’s a drill you can do by yourself. (As a
precaution, disinfect balls and paddle, and wash hands
thoroughly afterward.)
Here’s an easy drill to do by yourself—without a paddle.
• Stand 7 ft. away from a wall, backboard, garage
door, or other hard, flat surface.
• Put a piece of painter’s tape to mark a spot (either
a rectangle or even a straight line) to represent
the net—approximately 40 inches from the
ground. Adjust height to make it easier or more
With your paddle hand, toss a pickleball to the
target. Each time, make sure your release point is
in front of your body—maintain a relaxed body—no
sharp angles or straight lines in arms or legs.
When the ball rebounds, catch the ball in front of
your body with same paddle hand.
Start out slowly, being intentional about the release
and catch point in front of the body.
Add a paddle and vary the distance from the wall in
order to work on different shots—return of serve,
third shot, fifth shot, or even serve.
Remember, keeping your contact point in front of you
will not only give you control of your shot, but will also
allow you to have more shot selection options. And that
gives you control of where the ball goes.
Have fun and stay well! •
Sarah Ansboury is PPR’s education
consultant and lead clinician, and she is a
Head pro player.
Nicole Hobson is the PPR Member Services
Director. She also serves as an Ambassador
for USA Pickleball Association (USAPA) and
is a USAPA-certified referee, tournament
director, and a lead clinician for PPR.