Pickleball Magazine 4-6 | Page 11

2019 USAPA BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS PRESIDENT Jack Thomas VICE PRESIDENT CJ Jermstad SECRETARY Laura Patterson TREASURER Darryl Noble AT-LARGE BOARD MEMBERS BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS & MARKETING Stacie Townsend CUSTOMER & MEMBER RELATIONSHIPS Katie Lawler IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT David Jordan LEGAL & GRIEVANCE Phil Mortenson MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS Robert Quicksilver RECREATIONAL PLAY Philip Bullen TRAINING Pat Murphy STAFF DIRECTORS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Justin Maloof MANAGING DIRECTOR OF COMPETITION Karen Parrish MANAGING DIRECTOR OF MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS George Bauernfeind DIRECTOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Linda Gartlan DIRECTOR OF RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS Hope Tolley FROM THE PRESIDENT Looking back over the last eight years or so that I’ve been involved in pickleball, one of the most enjoyable aspects of our sport has been introducing pickleball to the masses, young and old. There’s no better example of how pickleball brings people together regardless of age than the picture below of Domenico Schepis, a 91-year-old retired general surgeon from Sicily, who started playing at age 84, and his partner, Hannah Carroll, a 12-year-old pickleball and soccer player who started playing at just 6 years old. They started playing at our church seven years ago, when the church agreed to add pickleball to its Community Outreach and Sports Ministry. They love to play together, and are very formidable competitors. My own pickleball journey has been richly filled with memories I will carry for the rest of my days. I was immediately hooked on our sport and applied to be an Ambassador just two weeks after hitting my first pickleball. I was unbelievably fortunate, through the tutelage of two wonderful people, Carl and Juanita Vincent, to succeed them as USAPA Southwest Regional Director upon their retirement. A while later, I applied for and was elected to the USAPA Board as Ambassador DIRECTOR OF OFFICIATING Mark Peifer DIRECTOR OF MEMBER SERVICES Nikki Greene DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Dan Ellsworth DIRECTOR OF AMBASSADORS Claudia Fontata Domenico Schepis and Hannah Carroll USAPA PRESIDENT JACK THOMAS Director. I held that position for two and a half years, served as Vice President for a year and a half, and ultimately had the honor and good fortune of serving as President for the past two years. As the saying goes, “All good things must come to an end,” and my term as President expires at the end of this year. I’ll be forever grateful to the hardest working staff, led by Justin Maloof, and the most remarkable, dedicated board members that I’ve ever had the privilege of serving with in any organization. Having said that, I look forward to stepping back from this full-time, all-volunteer job, and its time commitments, and catching up on lost personal time and activities. My biggest and longest supporter in life has been my wife, Joan, who I met in the seventh grade. I started working at 12 years old, shortly before meeting her, and she’s been waiting patiently for me to retire ever since. Once I did retire from my “real jobs,” I still had pickleball commitments to shoulder, and again, she’s patiently waited for me. Now that the wait is over, there are many things we look forward to doing with our four grandchildren, daughters and sons-in-law that we’ve had on the back burner for a long time. I look forward to seeing you on the courts, but from now on, I’ll be out there with my family and friends, enjoying the greatest game ever invented. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to All! Jack NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 | MAGAZINE 9