Pickleball Magazine 4-5 WD | Page 58

The IFP Sportsmanship Award was given to Leo Gonzales of Spain and Europe’s special Sportsmanship award went to Cyril Dirand of France as his French compatriots sang the Marseillaise. After all, it was Bastille Day, July 14! Both players are very popular on the European circuit. At the end there were lots of hugs and kisses on both cheeks for everyone. Maggy Robberegt of Holland said that the Bainbridge Cup was “charming, good competition and fair play.” Indiana’s Dawn Horan thought this year’s events were amazing: “Representing your own country and building bridges instead of walls is so important. We have so many things in common, especially pickleball.” • Abiruchi, Supriya, Manish Rao, Bonita Baker-Robins, Megha Bonita celebrated her gold medal with some of the Team India members. India brought a large contingent of very enthusiastic players. John Lightbody, Louise Stephens and Taff Tarling Not to be outdone in the celebration was Louise Stephens, a self-proclaimed “rose between two thorns.” She delighted everyone throughout the tournament. Greg Woodsum, Ron Ponder, Irish twins Daniel Hajnal, Benjamin Hajnal Two very good, young Irish players competed in the men’s doubles. Pickleball in Europe is a young players’ game. Cyril Dirand of France received the prestigious European Sportsmanship award on Bastille Day as his compatriots sang the Marseillaise. Leo Gonzales, the last recipient, presented the paddle. Europeans choose a recipient at each major tournament. Their support for one another makes all of the events more fun for everyone. 56 TO SUBSCRIBE CALL 888.308.3720 OR GO TO THEPICKLEBALLMAG.COM An enthusiastic flag ceremony got the Bainbridge Cup off to a good start. Pat Murphy, IFP President; Karen Mitchell, 2020 host of Bainbridge Cup in England; Ron Ponder, 2019 Bainbridge Cup Assistant Tournament Director; Ford Roberson, German Open Tech Support; and Lucy Kitcher, German Open Volunteer Extraordinaire.