Pickleball Magazine 4-5 WD | Page 12

Tyson McG rk u ) ffin (Team Selki ked World #1 Ran Player M EA MEET OUR T Rob Cassidy DJ Howard ) (Team Engage ro 5.0 Touring P a) (Team Gamm ro P g in ur To 0 5. ard Wayne & Lisa Do in ll e) az (Pickleball Mag s ro P g 5.0 Tourin e as the eball Magazin kl ic P y b d e iz program recogn al camp. The n o ti c LEVEL-UP is ru st in ll ls (and r pickleba g professiona in h c a te sport’s premie p to anized by the has been org game. players) in the s of ctional group ru st in ll a sm focus on divided into have a strong rs Campers are e n in g e B . ty ed players d abili more advanc ile h similar age an w s, ic n a h mps and mec t building. Ca in o p d fundamentals n a y g l Up cus on strate gned to Leve si e d y la p have more fo d e iz ing and organ feature teach your game. e Highlights includ aching pros te d e ifi rt e c A • IPTP teacher ratio to t n e d tu s • 8:1 instruction • 15 hours of sive daily • Comprehen ll building on a progressions e game aspects of th Groups of 4+ receive a 10% discount (Applied at time of camp) 3-days/15 hours of instruction Travel and local accommodations are paid separately. Before and after video To book your camp, visit our website or call 888.308.3720. I learned so much at the camp. I love how you instruct each drill! We really learn it and we get to apply what we’ve learned in fun, social games at the camp.” WE CAN COME TO YOU Do you want levelup in YOUR HOMETOWN? EMAIL US FOR DETAILS [email protected] 10 TO SUBSCRIBE CALL 888.308.3720 OR GO TO THEPICKLEBALLMAG.COM leveluppickleballcamps.com @LevelUpPickleball