hen we found out this issue’s theme was
First Responders, we were thrilled because
it’s right in Jennifer’s court—her husband,
Brandon, is a retired division chief from the
fire department. Of course, we love all first responders and
the good work they do. But how does pickleball fit into this
occupation? Well, perfectly!
In fact, in June, San Diego had pickleball in both the United
States Police & Fire Championships and the California
Firefighter Summer Games. “Every year these events have
doubled in size,” said the tough competitor and retired
Captain Charles Essex of Encinitas Fire in California.
Why is pickleball so great for first responders?
Let’s hear it straight from them!
“Pickleball has been great for the members of our fire
department. As soon as it was introduced to us, we
were hooked. The game has provided a great source of
camaraderie and exercise, as well as a healthy competitive
outlet. We started out trying to smash one another, but as
soon as a few of us started to understand the game and
commit to the fundamentals, everybody’s game elevated.
A few of us have even joined local clubs in the area and
ts from North
mmer Games Medalis
2018 Police and Fire Su
itz, Sam Russell,
n District, CA: Erik Re
County Fire Protectio
Ben Lian, Tom Harring
competed in various local tournaments. Pickleball has
definitely taken our department by storm. Any firefighter
who’s brave enough to put their toes on the kitchen line will
soon find out how much the game of pickleball has to offer.”
— Ben Lian is a firefighter/paramedic in North
County Fire Protection District in Fallbrook, CA.
“Firefighters spend one-third of their lives together working
at the fire station and learn to work, live and play together
as a family unit. Pickleball fits perfectly into the firefighters’
lifestyle, as it incorporates so many items we need to
perform as a unified team. Pickleball incorporates physical
fitness, teamwork, stress relief, camaraderie and social fun
for both our current as well as our retired firefighters.”
— Darrin Ward is a retired deputy chief from
Encinitas Fire Department in Encinitas, CA,
and is the husband of Cammy MacGregor, a top
women’s senior pro player.
Playing pickleball, whether on or off duty, is a great idea.
First responders need to stay in shape both mentally and
physically, so instead of doing the usual basketball or
boring treadmill, give pickleball a try at your station and
you’ll never have so much fun keeping in shape!
Jennifer Lucore and Alex
Hamner started playing
pickleball in 2010, and have
competed in tournaments
across the USA (and
internationally). Between them,
they have 26 National Titles,
including winning gold in the
Women’s Open Doubles at
Nationals for four consecutive
years (2011–2014). For more
pickleball fun see Jennifer’s
blog at