Pickleball Magazine 4-2 WD | Page 56

a d i r o l F n i d t e a e r t M e R b r o u d l a C ss a b m A A P A S ual U Hosts Ann hat do you get when 200 pickleball enthusiasts gather at one of the country’s finest recreational resorts? A CJ Jermstad party and celebration? Not quite. That would be a small turnout for one of the sport’s most popular figures. No, it was the annual USAPA East Coast Ambassador Retreat recently held at the spectacular Club Med in Port St. Lucie, FL. While play on the pickleball courts was one of the most sought-after highlights for the ambassadors who made their way to sunny Florida, the retreat provided a broad overview of one of the country’s fastest-growing sports. From detailed discussions with USAPA board members on major goals and programs for 2019, to question- and-answer sessions on ratings, pickleball history lessons, youth programs, legal/insurance issues, and pain management as well as a seminar of the USAPA/ PPR affiliation, the Ambassador Retreat afforded those in attendance a little bit of everything about the sport. It was both informative and often entertaining. 54 A Sponsors Showcase featuring new equipment and apparel from the numerous companies that were at Club Med was a big hit with the ambassadors. Sponsors for this year’s Ambassador Retreat included California Sports Surfaces, Engage Pickleball, Franklin Pickleball, Gamma Pickleball, Head, Mueller Sports Medicine, Onix, Paddletek, Prince and Selkirk Sport. Of course an Ambassador Retreat wouldn’t be complete without some action on the pickleball courts. Professional Brian Staub loaned his expertise and helpful hints to assist players with their game. And with the many water-filled activities available to everyone, as well as the delectable meals, it was another glorious time for the USAPA Ambassadors. Throughout the nearly week long event, raffle tickets were sold during the cocktail hours, which made their way long into the night. The grand prize was a trip to any Club Med in the U.S. At the end of the Ambassador Retreat, a little over $5,400 was collected. That money will now be donated to the USAPA’s main beneficiary—St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Since 2016, the USAPA has donated more than $55,000 to the Memphis-based facility. • TO SUBSCRIBE CALL 888.308.3720 OR GO TO THEPICKLEBALLMAG.COM