Pickleball Magazine 3-6 Pickleball Central | Page 54

National Championship, but we will work together and try to do as much as can be done for next year.” The Pickleball Hall of Fame is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that relies on the contributions of players and companies involved in the sport. Rifkind noted that without the Hall of Fame sponsors, none of it could have gotten off the ground. “We’re still in start-up mode. Last year we got up and running. This year, we’ll have 15 months in existence. We’re going to get better in every area, and all of us are dedicated to honoring those who deserve to be honored,” he said. “Pickleball didn’t happen by itself. It was the dedication of many who contributed to it and the outstanding players who dominated the sport that made it what it is today. With donations as our only form of revenue, we make sure we have enough funds to take care of our inductees. We pick up the tab for their travel and lodging, provide tremendous gifts—a ring, jacket, plaque and a large poster. The 52 dinner alone is over $5,000.” With in-kind donations from the IPTPA, USAPA, Pickleball Channel, Pickleball Central, Selkirk Sports and players themselves, the Hall of Fame already has a solid foundation on which to build for the future. But, as the sport grows, Rifkind also wants the Hall of Fame to grow, and that takes everyone pitching in where they can. “You need to replenish those funds plus set enough aside so that we can build our own museum and stand-alone facility down the line, where players can go through and learn about the game, touch and feel early paddles and balls, and watch documentary footage,” he explained. “We want to make it a destination. But in 15 months we’ve created a great event and will be emphasizing the player aspect next, to build more interest among the players. Players are always looking up to other players and we want to give them the opportunity to meet, talk and socialize with their heroes on the court.” • TO SUBSCRIBE CALL 888.308.3720 OR GO TO THEPICKLEBALLMAG.COM