Pickleball Magazine 3-6 Pickleball Central | Page 16

dinks What’s News in Pickleball USPTA Partners with IPTPA to Bring Pickleball Certification to the Association T he United States Professional Tennis Association (USPTA) has entered into a three-year partnership with the International Pickleball Teaching Professional Association (IPTPA). Under the terms of the agreement, the USPTA will work collaboratively with the recognized world leader in pickleball teacher certification to certify USPTA professionals in pickleball. Starting in 2019, the IPTPA will host specialty courses in pickleball across USPTA division conferences, where interested professionals will be able to earn a Level I certification in pickleball. “We realize our members have been asked about pickleball and many are being encouraged to start a pickleball program at their facilities. With that in mind, our board of directors has recognized that USPTA members should have education about pickleball,” said USPTA CEO John Embree. “As a result, we are partnering with the association that offers the best curriculum and methodology the 14 sport of pickleball has to offer. However, it’s not our intent to get into the pickleball certification business.” The pickleball certification course will include classroom sessions, on-court teaching sessions, and an on-court playing session. The cost for the five-hour workshop is $240, which includes the pickleball certification testing, access to the specialty course and a one-year membership with the IPTPA. USPTA divisions such as Florida, Northern California, Southern California, Texas, etc. will host the courses. “As highly trained teachers, USPTA professionals are great communicators, can break a skill down to its simplest components and understand the importance of a great lesson plan, and are passionate about teaching,” said IPTPA CEO Seymour Rifkind. “We condensed our workshop into a format that will allow USPTA members to recognize the distinct differences of pickleball while becoming familiar with the IPTPA methodology, which has become the world standard in teaching pickleball. IPTPA is thrilled to be partnering with the USPTA.” TO SUBSCRIBE CALL 888.308.3720 OR GO TO THEPICKLEBALLMAG.COM Pickleball is now up and running in Samoa thanks to Global Paddle Share! Global are Helps Paddle Sh ileged Underpriv kleball! Kids Play Pic re is e Sha Global Paddl iding free ov a program pr rams ddles to prog pickleball pa n’t ca ds ki where in countries ies tr un co st fir . The to afford them ts e Share wan Global Paddl d an oa help are Sam s. the Philippine used or d ol Bring your Senior er up S e paddles to th eb l Pickl all Internationa h at a (SSIPA) boot Association near you! tournament Photo by Mark Moors. Continued on page 16 >