Pickleball Magazine 3-5 | Page 14

MES LCO LEVELUP WE R YE A L P D E K N A R WORLD #1 N I F F U G C M TYSON all Magazine b le k ic P y b d recognize tional LEVEL-UP is kleball instruc ic p r ie m e top re p rganized by th o as the sport’s n e e b s a h me. gram yers) in the ga camp. The pro la p d n (a ls a n ssio teaching profe l ll instructiona a m s to in d e have divid Campers are ility. Beginners b a d n a e g a r ila d mechanics, n a ls groups of sim ta n e m a s on fund e more focus v a a strong focu h rs e y la p vanced Camps feature p while more ad . g in d il u b t in vel U nd po esigned to Le on strategy a d y la p d e iz n orga teaching and your game. e Highlights includ ros ed teaching p • IPTPA certifi to n 8:1 student • No more tha teacher ratio all instruction on • 15 hours of game aspects sive daily • Comprehen progressions TO THE TEAM! Groups of 4+ receive a 10% discount (Applied at time of camp) 3-days/15 hours of instruction Travel and local accommodations are paid separately. r e t f a d n a e r o f e B video analysis Get more info at leveluppickleballcamps.com SPONSORED BY: .COM/PICKLEBALL I learned so much at the camp. I love how you instruct each drill! We really learn it and we get to apply what we’ve learned in fun, social games at the camp.”