Pickleball Magazine 2022 Product Guide WD | Page 16

control issues arose . Through its testing program , USA Pickleball found “ excursions ”— incidences where the products being manufactured unintentionally fell outside of the specifications for which they were originally approved . This led to enhancements in USA Pickleball ’ s testing / certification process , as well as a more robust compliance program and increased collaboration between USA Pickleball and manufacturers .
The Testing
For insight on the rapidly advancing testing protocols for USA Pickleball certification , look no further than Schmits and the Equipment Evaluation Committee ( EEC ). Testing is evolving from a “ scratch ” test to the paddle ’ s sweet spot being 3D scanned using an optical profilometer , an advanced technology that extracts topographical data from the surface of the paddle and costs $ 80k . The outcome ? Greater accuracy , repeatability and better representation of surface “ terrain ,” according to Schmits .
“ The introduction of the optical profilometer doesn ’ t mean we ’ re changing our rules or specifications , just that we ’ re testing with more accurate equipment ,” he added .
USA Pickleball has long focused on stringent , independent lab certification testing with its partner , National Testing Systems ( NTS ), a U . S . Department of Defense-certified testing facility with an accomplished sports engineering practice . NTS , in conjunction with the EEC , evaluates manufacturers ’ prototypes and new product introductions , which may use new shapes , configurations or surface treatments . The compliance program ensures that once equipment enters the marketplace , it is still manufactured to the strict specifications needed to ensure a level playing field for both players and manufacturers .
Collaboration and alignment within the pickleball ecosystem are also a focus . Earlier this year , USA Pickleball hosted an Industry Day at the lab , where key stakeholders gathered for a testing demonstration , open forum and a discussion about the future of sports tech .
“ Our goal is to ensure that there are no surprises throughout the testing process ,” said Justin Maloof ,
USA Pickleball ’ s new testing protocols will include use of an optical profilometer , which scans the paddle ’ s sweet spot in 3D and extracts topographical data like this . Photo courtesy of Carl Schmits / USA Pickleball .
USA Pickleball ’ s chief operating officer . “ We provide manufacturers with access to all test protocols plus staff liaisons for rules clarifications or prototyping support . We also encourage all manufacturers to attend our annual Industry Day , which gives them access to the test lab , our staff and lab personnel so they can see firsthand how the equipment is tested .”
USA Pickleball plans to prioritize a continued ramp-up of its compliance program — with a focus on increased market sampling , closer examination of equipment at the edge of specifications , and thorough courtside compliance checks at major events — to coincide with the anticipated influx of new paddle submissions . Schmits expects the two-year new paddle figure to exceed 800 by the end of 2022 .
What ’ s Next
Growth and innovation go hand-in-hand and USA Pickleball plans to continue to adapt to the changing needs of its constituents , whether recreational or professional players , manufacturers , officials , tournament directors and others .
For more information on testing , certification and compliance , visit equipment . usapickleball . org . Members , if you have feedback or questions regarding the testing or compliance processes , email equipment @ usapickleball . org or fill out the form at usapa . formstack . com / forms / emailcontacts . •