Pickleball Magazine 2-6 Courtesy of PickleballTournaments | Page 97
Cool products from America’s fasting growing sport
A new therapy tool called the “Jolt” has made its debut in the pickleball
world. It was created by a northern Utah physical therapist in 2014 who
determined that his clients could benefit from having a tool to use for
themselves. The creators maintain that the Jolt enhances and accelerates
the healing process.
Many well-known pros are using the Jolt before, between and after their
games to help them loosen tight muscles, reduce cramping and avoid
physical injuries. Several pros have introduced it to the staff at Pickleball
Magazine and we like it, too.
The sound of the Jolt can often be heard courtside as players use it to
keep their muscles loose and limber while waiting for their next match.
The Jolt is battery operated, lightweight and easily portable, making it
the perfect tool to use prior to and during any athletic competition.
Listen for the Jolt Therapy Tool in action at future pickleball
tournaments. For more information, visit jolttherapytool.com or call
208.481.0312 or 425.890.8144.
According to the USTA’s latest statistics, the U.S. has an estimated
250,000 tennis courts. Many of those courts are located in parks, rec
centers, community centers, or country clubs. As pickleball becomes more
popular, those places are faced with a challenge. How do we accommodate
the increasing demand of pickleball without spending a lot of capital?
Ernie Ortiz developed a system to “convert” a tennis net to the proper
height for pickleball. The Convert-A-Net brings the center of the net to
34” and 10 feet on each side of center to 36”.
It takes one person 2-3 minutes to assemble the system. Then you’re
ready for taping or chalking the court lines. Removing the net system
takes under 2 minutes.
The two major benefits of using this system: (1) a club or park district can
“test” the popularity of pickleball, without investing the capital to install
a dedicated court; (2) the system is highly portable and easy to assemble.
The downside of the Convert-A-Net is that you can only put one pickleball
court on a tennis court, and the tennis net still extends well past the
width of a typical pickleball net.
Overall, the Convert-A-Net system could be an easy, affordable method
for many communities to showcase the sport, and eventually get funding
for dedicated pickleball courts.
Go to convertanet.com for more information.