Q | A
Q : What is the biggest mistake you see amateurs make on the pickleball courts ?
A : Unforced errors , without a doubt . Keep the ball in play and let the other team make the error . I teach the following concept to my students : “ Pickleball is a problem-solution game . The ball is the problem . Always try to give the problem back to your opponent .”
Q : What is the biggest problem you see experienced players make on the pickleball courts ?
A : Overestimating your abilities and skills and letting your ego get in the way of honest evaluation of your current strategy and results .
Q : How do you prepare mentally for a match ?
A : The match is won or lost the day before the event . You must believe you will win , or you will lose . First , I play the entire game in my head , visualizing each shot , thinking of every possible outcome and how I can make the best possible return shot , given each possible scenario . Then , when I play the real game on the pickleball court , I feel comfortable knowing the possible outcomes and how to respond to each opponent ’ s return shot . While this technique takes considerable mental discipline , it has worked very well for me over the years .
Q : How do you prepare nutritionally for a match ?
A : I began three weeks before a match with my diet , eating only pasta , rice , chicken , fruits and vegetables and avoiding red meat , sugar and alcohol . I drink a lot of water and I especially consume Pedialyte for superior hydration during the match . While at UCLA , the coach made us run laps if we did not have hydration at our side at all times . I am in bed at 8 p . m . Rest , hydration and healthy food are the key .
Q : We all have foot pain from playing a lot of pickleball . How do you manage your foot health ?
A : I change new shoes every week . Since I am sponsored by Wilson , I have plenty of free shoes , but the key to good foot health is a good pair of well-fitting shoes . I also take regular Epsom salt foot baths , ice baths and stretch to manage my feet pain issues . I also wear two pair of socks when I play .
Q : How do you effectively manage your emotional state while playing a game of pickleball , either when winning or losing a point ?
A : I use positive anger to energize me on the court when I fall short and lose a point . I reach deep and try to spark that fire inside me to excel , no matter what the score .
The momentum in pickleball is much faster than tennis , so the points can get away from you quickly . When I am behind in a game , I try to stay focused on my footwork , getting the ball back and finding the opportunity to change the momentum of the game in my favor . I stay away from negative anger at all times , as it serves no purpose and reflects poor sportsmanship .
Q : What advice can you give to pickleball players who play with their spouse or significant other as a pickleball partner ?
A : Always communicate with each other , compliment all good shots , and be sensitive to your negative body language on the court . Your spouse knows you too well , so honest , open communication — both verbal and nonverbal — are very important . A positive attitude toward each other no matter what happens , and a feeling of equal-effort teamwork no matter what the difference in skill levels , will go a long way , both on and off the pickleball courts .
Q : Why do you think pickleball is growing so fast ?
A : I believe the appeal of the game is that it is easy to learn , but hard to master . A pickleball player can move up in skill level quickly with lessons and practice . Also , the social aspect of the game is unlike any other sport . Men and women play as equals in pickleball , which is helping to bring more couples , families and friends to try the game in large numbers .
Q : What would you recommend to the USAPA and the PPF to help improve the game of pickleball ?
A : I would recommend that they establish a separate professional pickleball tour and amateur pickleball tour . I would grow the referee certification program and I would make a strong attempt to expand the game of pickleball internationally , with the end result of an Olympic pickleball event in the next 10 years and a USA Olympic Pickleball Team .
Q : Thank you , Marcin , for your time and sharing your wisdom . Do you have any last thoughts ?
A : Yes , I want to commend the USAPA and the PPF for their great efforts to grow the game of pickleball . It is with the efforts of these two professional sports organizations that we can effectively grow the sport , attract the next generation of players and contribute to the health and wellness of our larger sports community . I consider myself lucky to have found a front-row seat to one of the fastest growing sports in North America . •