Pickleball Magazine 2-5 WD | Page 40

WHAT’S YOUR LEVEL? USE THIS GUIDE TO DETERMINE YOUR SKILL LEVEL AND ULTIMATELY INCREASE YOUR CHANCE OF EXPERIENCING A MORE COMPETITIVE AND ENJOYABLE MATCH. RATING AND DESCRIPTIONS 1.0 • New and have only minimal knowledge of the game and the rules. 1.5 • Limited to some rallies. • Learning how to serve. • Developing a forehand. • Fails to return easy balls frequently and occasionally misses the ball entirely. • Played a few games and is learning the court lines, scoring, and some basic rules of the game. 2.0 • Sustains a short rally with players of equal ability. • Demonstrates the basic shot strokes – forehand, backhand, volley, overhead and the serve, but has obvious weaknesses in most strokes. • Familiar with court positioning in doubles play. 2.5 • Makes longer lasting slow-paced rallies. • Makes most easy volleys and uses some backhands, but needs more work on developing shot strokes. 38 TO SUBSCRIBE CALL 888.308.3720 OR GO TO THEPICKLEBALLMAG.COM