Pickleball Magazine 2-4 Courtesy of Pickleball Channel | Page 33

PICKLEBALL INSTRUCTION GIVE BY ALICE TYM A N E AN NGL AN GLE A GET P ickleball is about limiting your opponent’s options and maximizing your own. Because of the court dimensions and the geometry of possibility, there are certain conventions that work better than others to limit your opponent’s options. As a general rule, you want to limit their choices when you are in relatively poor court position, such as when you are not at the net. When you are serving, your team starts in the backcourt. When you are receiving, only one of you starts on the backcourt. Neither is an ideal position. The old tennis maxim, “Give an angle, get an angle” applies in both cases; however, you do not want to give an angle when you are in a weaker court position. Begin with the return. If you choose to return with a sharp cross-court angle, you give your opponent multiple options: pass your partner down the line, hit a sharper SERVER B Option 1 A Lob Option 2 A Passing Shot cross-court shot (opening up your middle), drive deep down the middle, or lob over your partner — two players on your side and four good options for your opponent. It would be better if you hit deep down the center by the T with no angle. Now your opponent has only the lob and a return to you, which might be picked off by your partner at the net. You have minimized the options against you and created an opportunity for your partner. The server has several choices. Of course, the key is depth to force your opponent to take more steps to get to the net. A good serve down the center reduces the chance of a sharp angle return. You don’t want any surprises. Obviously, varying your serves and returns makes you less predictable, but a basic principle to build your game around is to limit your opponents’ options when you are in a weaker court position. Give an angle only when you are in good position and can cover their response.  • SERVER Option 3 A Sharp Angle Option 4 A Deep A Return RECEIVER B A Option 1 RECEIVER Will pass by B (net man) enabling an easy poach JULY/AUGUST 2017 | MAGAZINE 31