Pickleball Magazine 2-3 | Page 13

into us then is crucial to us now and we bring everyone that we work with into that process and culture. It’s not just signing up for a tournament; it’s refining, training, teaching everyone the pickleballtournaments.com way that has been tested and proven to run very efficient events. It really is a package deal—when you work with our site, you work with all of us.” And the number of people working with pickleballtournaments.com is going to be growing exponentially in the near future. The online portion of the business is scalable to tournaments of any size and user base. McCurley is partnering with other companies in the southeast and northwest United States to teach them how to organize and run successful tournaments. The team has a dozen independent contractors working on the business, but Thompson said the volunteers who have learned how to run tournaments and have become power users of the site are the true backbone of the company’s success. Internationally, pickleballtournaments.com’s administration of tournaments in Madrid for the past three years has laid the groundwork for global expansion, bridging the gaps between languages and culture that are necessary to grow their business and the sport. They’ve already received glowing accolades from a delegation of tournament organizers from the UK who came to see the pickleballtournaments.com team in action firsthand. “The tool of pickleballtournaments.com isn’t useful without the processes behind it that the original team developed 12-15 years ago,” McCurley said. “The UK team watched us in action at the US Open, keeping up with 1,300 players, 3,000 matches over 7 days. They were blown away and said that it ‘looked like we were inside a surgery room executing the tournament with clinical precision.’ It’s a nice compliment to get from another country.” For now, pickleballtournaments.com will remain the reliable, indispensable service that tournament organizers have always known, but the day may come when players will recognize their system and processes no matter where they play in the world. “We’ll be doing work with the UK, in Europe and we’re in early discussions with organizers in India as well as other countries,” Thompson said. “We have five countries coming in for a host training session to help them run tournaments. We’re taking tiny steps, but we’re getting there.”  • MAY/JUNE 2017 | MAGAZINE 11