Pickleball Magazine 2-2 Courtesy of PickleballTournaments.com | Page 17

Association ( SCPA ) will work to develop , operate and manage pickleball programs , activities and events , to include tournaments , at this site . We believe that this pickleball facility will be the best in Georgia , one of the best in the southeast region of the U . S ., and one of the best across the country .
We will strive to provide programming for youth and adults .
The benefits for youth are :
• Involve kids in positive activity .
• Contribute to kids ’ health and well-being .
• Provide kids with aerobic activity , physical fitness and exercise .
• Enhance kids ’ hand-eye coordination , and better develop their reflexes .
The following tournaments are planned so far ... with the facility to open around June 1 , 2017 :
• On June 25 , 2016 , Bill Hess , Coordinator for the 2016 Georgia Games Pickleball Championship , announced that the 2017 State Games will be held at the Spalding County Pickleball Complex in June 2017 .
• On July 9 , 2016 , Karen Parrish , USAPA Atlantic South ( A-S ) Region Director , informed me that the Spalding County Pickleball Complex has been selected as the site for the 2017 Atlantic South Regional Pickleball Tournament . The tournament is scheduled for October 2017 . The A-S Tournament is one of the major tournaments in the nation . This tournament can draw 250- 350 ( or more ) players , plus companions and spectators . The USAPA has eight regional tournaments across the country and a national tournament . In the past , the A-S Tournament has been held in Naples , FL ; Concord , NC ; and Mobile , AL . Securing this regional tournament is a major accomplishment for Spalding County and the SC Pickleball Association .
• Also , in October 2017 , we expect to host one stop on the circuit for the Super Seniors International Pickleball Association ( SSIPA ) Tournament . The idea is to give seniors age 65 + an opportunity to play / compete against similar-age folks in venues across the nation . •

Brigham City to Host

PTSD Fundraiser

Jeff Donovan and Erich Schuette were pickleball partners and won Gold together at the 2015 Utah State Championship . Erich suffered from PTSD from his last Afghanistan tour and ended up taking his life in July 2016 . After his passing , Jeff met with Erich ’ s wife Heike and his brother Willie . He felt inspired to put on a pickleball tournament to honor his friend and friend ’ s family , and help player friends cope with the loss . The tournament began with a short PTSD awareness program . After tournament expenses and a generous donation match from John Gullo , Jeff raised $ 7,000 for Erich ’ s family .

All are invited to participate in this year ’ s three-day PTSD nonprofit fundraiser tournament . Learn more about PTSD and play June 22-24 , 2017 , in Brigham City , Utah . This tournament includes the first-ever proam event , a brilliant idea suggested by Susan and Scott Moore . Donate to play with a pro for a PTSD nonprofit : Scott Moore , Christine McGrath , Larry Moon and many other pros . Also mixed doubles $ 1,500 prize money . Receive two hours of training from eight pros followed by steak or salmon dinner and silent auction June 23 . Nonprofit organizations : Continue Mission , Oasis Center of Hope , The Sharing Place . •
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