Pickleball Magazine 2-2 Courtesy of Pickleball Channel | Page 37
Let’s list a few common types of
Stacking Serve (only): When you want your
partner (or you) to always be on one side
(right or left) during your team’s service.
3 Quarters Stacking: If you stack on serve,
and only stack on one player’s return, that
is 3 quarters stacking and is used when one
player does not feel confident returning
serve and running across to the NVL.
Remember, you can stack or start stacking
whenever you want; just check your team’s
first-server band to be sure you have the
correct server or returner!
(Full) Stacking: When your team decides
one player should always be on one side.
This is most common when the partners are
opposite handed.
Comfort Stacking: Most people feel more confident and
comfortable in a certain position on the court. If the
opponents are “picking on” your partner, it may be to your
team’s advantage to keep your partner in his/her comfort
zone (position). This can usually be accomplished through
Target Stacking: Sometimes players are most confident
when they are in a certain position with respect to another
player. For example, your partner is confident dinking
straight across from Opponent A but not Opponent B;
then you will stack so that your partner will always be
straight across from Opponent A. This means your team
will stack and “unstack” as your opponents score points
(assuming they’re playing normal).
Signal Stacking (Signaling): This may not technically be
stacking because you only do it on return, and you start in
a normal position, but you “signal” to your partner (via the
standard closed fist meaning stay; open palm is go) that
you will “switch” or not after the return.
A few tidbits of advice when you and your partner start
thinking about trying to stack:
1. Be sure your partner agrees to stack!
2. Be sure you and your partner understand what
stacking is, how the positioning works, and where
you have to move to get where you want to be.
3. Be sure you and your partner agree as to why you are
4. If you are stacking to “maximize” a stroke, be
sure that your partner agrees on the stroke to
be maximized! Believe it or not, sometimes your
partner thinks his/her backhand is better than
your forehand. Whether it’s true or not, if that’s the
thinking, you shouldn’t be stacking!
5. If you try stacking and it isn’t working or it isn’t fun,
don’t forget that you can always stop at any time.
Just refer to your server band to be sure you end up
in the correct position.
Stacking is a lot of fun and can add a fiery element to
the game. It can save your partner if he/she is in a funk
or getting picked on, or it can allow your partner to be
aggressive. Go out and try it yourself! •