Pickleball Magazine 2-1 Courtesy of PickleballTournaments.com | Page 29

the farther away from it you are , you see less of the court and more of the net .
Benefit # 3 : Finally , when you ’ re at the non-volley zone along with your partner , you can literally create a wall , which gives your opponents very few options for winning angles .
THREE COMMON MISTAKES There are three common mistakes I see players make when they are at the non-volley zone line .
Mistake # 1 : The first mistake is that they never actually get to the non-volley zone . They are about 2 to 3 feet away from that kitchen line , but they think they are much closer than that .
Mistake # 2 : The second mistake I often see people do is that they get to the line and then they back up to take a shot but they never move forward again .
Mistake # 3 : The third mistake is that people get to the line , but they ’ re not quite conscious about where their feet are and they often will foot fault .
I ’ m going to share with you three good reasons why you should be at the non-volley zone line .
Benefit # 1 : First of all , being close to the net gives you an opportunity to hit the ball downward , which is a winning angle . Benefit # 2 : The closer to the non-volley zone you are , the more options you have to see the entire court of your opponent . This gives you more options of where to place the ball . However ,
Rusty : In summary , being at the non-volley zone line is an important part of a winning game . So , exercise the benefits of getting up there and staying there , but watch out for the three common mistakes people make which often result in losing the point .
That ’ s your Pickleball 411 for today . We really hope this has been helpful . Now there ’ s only one thing left to do , and that ’ s go play ! •
To watch the complete video version of this article and to see visual examples of the benefits and mistakes at the non-volley zone line , visit Pickleball Channel online . And consider becoming a subscriber of Pickleball Channel for free to receive weekly pickleball videos just like this one by going to http :// www . pickleballchannel . com / subscribe .
Rusty Howes is the Executive Producer and creator of Pickleball Channel . Rusty worked for the likes of Warner Bros and Disney before creating Pickleball Channel to develop and provide fantastic , professional video content for the pickleball community . He is deeply involved in promoting the sport of pickleball at home and across the country . JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2017 | MAGAZINE 27