Pickleball Magazine 2-1 Courtesy of PickleballTournaments.com | Page 16


Pickleball Growth in Lincoln


It ’ s great to see something flourish and grow quickly ... unless , of course , it ’ s that weed in my backyard . Pickleball has seen explosive growth in Lincoln , Nebraska , especially since the addition of six new dedicated courts by the city . In 2015 , we had a couple of tennis courts and saw 10-20 people / day for a couple of hours . With the new courts , we now see full courts much of the day . Every day I see new players wanting to learn pickleball .

With any rapid growth , there can be growing pains associated with those changes . I am passionate about this great game and want to help continue its growth . Pickleball is personal to me . It gave me direction , friendship , and hope during a low point in my life . While that time has passed , my desire to improve at the game , the friendships it has created , and the health benefits continue .
Across the nation , that growth creates many of the same pain points . There are times I need reminding of what makes this game great , and how I was able to improve . What makes this sport great is the inclusiveness of the game and its players . The first day I came to the courts , I felt welcome and was asked to join in . They all forgave me when I was always in the kitchen or forgot to come to the kitchen . Everyone said hi ; people asked what I do or about my family . I immediately felt a connection to the sport .
While this is easy to do with a small group , it ’ s important to maintain as the sport grows . I chose to become an Ambassador to help grow the game . And while I have a box of business cards that say “ Ambassador ,” we all have that role . It ’ s important that we all greet people , welcome them to the game , and help them get started . That person you welcomed may be searching for something to make their life better – just like I was .
I also know that I spent countless hours on the court ; early on I wasn ’ t great competition for the better players . But those players worked with me , provided coaching , gave me tips to work on , and continued to help me improve . They could have sought greater competition , but they stuck with me . As we grow in numbers and experience , the experience gap will also grow . We all succeed when everyone advances .
Open play is a great time to work with talent in the rough , to help them work on the finer points of pickleball . It ’ s also a great time to just have fun and meet new people . I would ask that when you ’ re playing with and against a stronger player , hit the ball to that person . We ’ ve all experienced open play where the stronger player never sees the ball . And while my desire to win causes me to do this at times , I have to remind myself that playing against the stronger player may lose points , but it will help me win skills I couldn ’ t otherwise get . Our goal should be to have fun , get exercise , and develop skills – winning comes when we succeed at those .
I do hope this provokes reflection as we continue to see this great sport grow in Lincoln and around the country . Help others improve or ask stronger players to work with you . Don ’ t hit away from the stronger player as these games don ’ t count ; only the experience does . And finally , everyone is an ambassador of this game — help keep this sport great .
Pickleball Rocks !!! •