Pickleball Magazine 2-1 Courtesy of PickleballTournaments.com | Page 14


Ask the USAPA

“ Ask the USAPA ” is a collection of pickleball questions of general interest . Send your questions to magazine @ usapa . org and we will feature three or four of your questions in each magazine edition .
Q : Is a carry legal ? I played with a gentleman who unintentionally carried the ball on his paddle . I know a double hit when in one continuous motion is legal , but is a carry legal ?
A :
Yes , IFP Rule 12 A addresses this issue . It simply states that it must be unintentional , continuous and in a single direction .
Q : When serving or playing a point , can the server start with two balls in hand and continue playing with one ball in hand after the serve ? I haven ’ t been able to find a rule that answers this question .
A :
There is no rule that prevents the person from playing with a ball in one hand unless the opponents are able to make a case for it being a distraction .
Q : I had an incident once while playing in a tournament in Amsterdam , where just as I was about to strike the ball in the act of serving , the non-receiving opponent jumped over into the service court that I was serving into . I initially thought this was illegal , however I was told that it was perfectly legal for a player to stand anywhere on the court when I was serving . It shocked me when he did it , but in hindsight I realized that had I hit him , it would have been my point . HOWEVER , would you consider this an illegal distraction , since he made this sudden move while I was in the act of serving ? It sure did distract me ! ! !
A :
This can be a tricky question because it is correct that according to Rule 5 . B . 9 , a player may stand anyplace on the court . However , in this case he is intentionally jumping around while you are hitting the ball , which is a distraction under IFP Rule 12 . H “ Players may not yell , stamp their feet or otherwise try to distract an opponent when the opponent is about to play the ball .”
Q : Hi , I am looking to get into the sport — can you recommend a good paddle ? Wood or aluminum / carbon fiber or .... ? Thanks so much !
A :
USAPA does not make paddle recommendations in an effort to be “ sponsor neutral .” We recommend that you borrow at least five different paddles from your friends and try them . Paddles are a very personal thing and it may take you several attempts before you settle on a favorite . Thank you for contacting the USAPA .
Q : An interesting situation has occurred . While playing in a tournament recently , my wife noticed after winning a point that the ball was cracked . She brought it to the attention of the referee who said the point had to be replayed . She objected , but the opposing team immediately jumped on that bandwagon , the point was replayed and my wife lost it . That changed the momentum of the game , upset her and she ultimately lost that match .
A :
According to IFP Rule 12 . D . Broken or Cracked Ball , play continues until the end of the rally . If , in the judgment of the referee , a broken or cracked ball affected the outcome of the rally , the referee shall call for a replay . For your question , it sounds as though the referee believed the cracked ball impacted the outcome of the point . This is a subjective call by the referee , but since he / she is the official on the court , the opinion must be respected . To take your question one step further , according to 14 . J , you do have the right to call the Tournament Director for a confirmation of the rule , but in this case , I would expect that since he / she did not witness the point , the referee would be supported .