Pickleball Magazine 2-1 Courtesy of Pickleball Rocks | Page 53


If you and your friends are looking for ways to advance your pickleball game , then look no further than the US OPEN Pickleball Academy . Catering to all ages and all levels , the Academy will provide local instruction , in addition to destination camps for pickleball enthusiasts around the world .
© 2016 US Open Pickleball Championships
The US OPEN Pickleball Academy takes place at the premier Minto US OPEN Pickleball Championships headquarters at East Naples Community Park . The Academy is headlined by US OPEN Champion Simone Jardim along with other top instructors . Come to paradise in Naples , Florida and donʼt miss this unique , once in a lifetime , pickleball experience !
For more information go to : usopenpickleballacademy . com