Scissors ( rectus abdominus ): Lie on your back with your arms and legs fully extended , hands and feet touching the floor ( top photo ). Slowly bring your arms and legs straight up at the same time so they meet directly above your torso , and then slowly lower to the starting position . Do 3 sets of 15-25 reps .
Trunk Raise ( lower back muscles , erector spinae ): Lie on your stomach with your hands behind your neck , arch your back while simultaneously raising both legs and hold for 10-15 seconds . Do 3 sets of 10-12 reps . For additional resistance add ankle weights and a light weight behind the head .
Lower back pain can also be caused or exacerbated by numerous other factors and activities other than pickleball , especially poor posture . Posture problems occur primarily with poor posture while sitting on a chair or to a lesser extent while standing . Slouching while sitting or standing rounds out the lower back and puts stress on and inflames the ligaments , muscles and tendons along the sides of the spine . These secondary factors caused by poor posture are a common cause of lower back pain . Many chairs , couches and car seats provide poor lower back support . A cheap and easy way
to increase lower back support is to make a roll out of a thick towel and place it behind the lower back while seated .
If you do develop lower back pain , don ’ t panic ; most incidents of lower back pain are not serious and will resolve within a couple of weeks with simple home selfcare . Almost 85 % of the population has back pain at some time in their lives and 97 % of these people get well in 4-6 weeks with conservative treatment . In addition , there are many treatment options available to deal with this very common condition . Lower back pain is divided into one of three general categories : 1 . Nonspecific lower back pain ( 85 % of patients fall into this category ); most classified as strains and sprains . 2 . Back pain potentially associated with spinal conditions , such as spinal stenosis , disc lesions , vertebral compression and fractures .
3 . Back pain potentially associated with another specific cause such as malignancies , space occupying lesions , infection or vascular problems .
There are certain signs and symptoms associated with lower back pain that can indicate a serious situation where emergency treatment is needed immediately . 1 . Cauda Equina syndrome ; this is a serious neurologic condition in which there is an acute loss of function of the lumbar plexus . It is characterized by numerous signs and symptoms including sudden loss of bowel and / or bladder control or dysfunction , severe or progressive neurologic changes , saddle anesthesia , weakness of the lower extremities , and possibly a drop foot .
2 . Severe lower back pain following significant trauma .
3 . Severe continuous abdominal and lower back pain could indicate an abdominal aortic aneurysm .
4 . Night pain , weight loss , fever or other signs of infection or cancer that accompany severe lower back pain .
If you have developed lower back pain it is important to stay active and try to rest in a comfortable position . Take short walks or stretch every few hours to loosen up the muscles and tendons . Staying active is much better for recovery than strict bed rest . In fact , staying in bed for more than one or two days can actually worsen the condition by increasing stiffness and increase muscle weakness . If there is severe pain and muscle spasms consider the application of an ice pack for 15-20 minutes several times a day and taking over-the-counter medication . The medications commonly taken for this are known as NSAIDS or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , such as Ibuprofen ( Advil or Motrin ), Naproxen ( Aleve or Naprosyn ) or Salicylates ( Aspirin ). If the pain , inflammation and muscle spasms persist for more than a couple of weeks , consider seeing a health care specialist who specializes in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders . Consider treatment with physical therapy modalities , rehabilitation , and mobilization . Surgery is rarely needed for lower back pain , even in the presence of a disc injury or nerve damage . Once you have a significant incidence of lower back pain , the problem is more likely to recur . To avoid future episodes of lower back pain keep your abdomen and core muscles strong , use good posture , keep your weight down and lift properly . •
Alan Bragman is a chiropractor living in Atlanta , Georgia . He is a former Cat 3 cyclist and nationally ranked table tennis player , inline speed skater , a certified IPTPA coach and a 4.5 level player . He was on the medical advisory board at Bicycling magazine for 10 years and has written for numerous other sports publications .