Even when you’re up 9-1 you can’t start
thinking about the next match… that’s
when you let your opponents in to start
getting points.
- Matt Wright – Silver: Open Mixed
Timeouts are very important. They help
us to break our opponents’ momentum,
give us some time to re-think our
strategy, and allow us to catch our breath.
- Lucy Kovalova - Silver: Open Mixed,
Open Singles; Bronze: Open Doubles
I think the biggest lesson I learned this
week is how important focus is in the
end. It is something we have to work on
just as much as everything else.
- Sarah Ansboury - Gold: Mixed Doubles
19+ & Doubles 19+; Silver: Open Doubles;
Bronze: Open Mixed
Never stop being a student of the game.
As the game and players continue to
evolve, so must your game. What worked
last year probably won’t be enough this
- Matt Staub - Gold: Doubles 19+;
Bronze: Open Doubles & Mixed Doubles 19+
What I learned is that pickleball is a
game and not my job. Win or lose, put
it all in perspective, grab a beer with old
friends and make some new friends along
the way.
- Cammy MacGregor - Gold: Doubles
35+ & Singles 35+; Silver: Mixed Doubles
You really can win a match after losing
a game 11-0.
- Bonnie Williams - Gold: Senior Open
Singles & Singles 50+; Silver: Doubles 50+
Work on dinking. Most of the points
are won at the net in doubles so your
dinking has to be good. Come up with
strategies to use with your partner prior
to each match, and stick with them.
- Christine McGrath – Gold: Doubles
19+; Silver: Open Doubles
During my Nationals experience, I
learned two very important things: 1) I
need to have a lot more patience during
dink rallies before flicking a ball at my
opponent, and 2) I need to keep my
balance and weight forward on my toes.
- Joshua Elliott (age 16) - Gold: Junior
Mixed Doubles 15 – 18 & Junior Singles
15 – 16.
1. Enter as many events as possible.
2. No matter your age, there are always
lessons to be learned, even if you cannot
enumerate them!
- Hilary Marold - Gold: Mixed Doubles
60+ & Doubles 65+
At 88 years of age, one would think
I’ve learned all my lessons, but I was
pleasantly surprised to find that
pickleball people are the most friendly,
warm and welcoming group that I have
ever encountered. It never gets old to be
appreciated and loved. Also, pickleball is
adding years to my life.
- Doris Castaneda - Gold: Singles 80+,
Doubles 80+; Silver: Mixed Doubles 80+ •
Jennifer Lucore and
Alex Hamner started
playing pickleball in 2010,
and have competed in
tournaments across the
USA (and internationally).
Between them, they
have 25 National Titles,
including winning gold
in the Women’s Open
Doubles at Nationals for
four consecutive years
(2011 – 2014). For more pickleball fun see Jennifer’s
blog at www.allpickleball.com.