American Journal of Environmental Protection 2015; 4(3-1): 44-50
was 162g/m3, the minimum rates - respectively 464 000 cells
/l in and 2.8g/m3 for biomass. High quantitative indicators of
planktonic algae, also indicate the presence of favorable
conditions for their mass development and active vegetation.
In water samples were found well developed whorls algae of
the genus Chara, which is not representative of the plankton
and were not observed in the spring of last year, but their
presence indicates technogenic pollution.
In a summer dominant group of phytoplankton were
diatoms. They were 75% of the total phytoplankton and 79%
of indicators of total biomass of phytoplankton of
Masrikriver. (fig.6 ( a,b)). Dominant diatom species of the
genera were: Stephanodiscus, Didimosphenia, Nitzhia,
Synedra, Cocconeis, Navicula, Amphora, Diatoma,
Ceratoneis, Cymbella, Fragilaria and Rhoicosphenia. In
summer, maximum rates of diatoms was registered in the
estuary of the river Masrik amounting by the number of
468,000 cells /l, and by biomass in June, in the middle
reaches, reaching 5.6 g/m3,. High rates of biomass caused by
the development of the macrocellular Cocconeisplacentula
form, which is a boreal species, developing at a pH above 7.
This species is an indicator of polluted conditions and is
characterizing beta mezosaprob level of contamination [14]
Blue-green algae in the studied period were in
subdominant community, they were registered in all parts of
the river. Quantitative indicators of blue-green algae were
increased in August, the maximum indicators in numbering
164,000 cells/l and 0.33g/m3, were found in the middle
reaches of the river. The percentage of blue-green algae
accounted for 19% of the size of the total population and 7%
of the total biomass, respectively (Fig.6 (a,b)). They were
mostly species of the genera Aphanothece, Microcystis,
Phormidium, Merismopedia. These are mainly small-celled
colonial toxic forms of algae.
Green algae were not observed in June. In August in the
middle of the river were registered maximum values of green
algae, which were amounted in the number of 132 000 cells/l
and biomass 0.7g/m3. By quantitative indicators green algae
were accounted for 6% of the total population and 10% of the
total biomass of the community. (Fig.6 (a,b)). Among the
green algae, especially in filamentous forms, many types are
occurring and developing in polluted conditions.
Phytoplankton acts as an absorber of heavy metals and other
chemical substances [15]. The dominant species were
From the literature it is known that some species of the
genus Scenedesmus are highly toxic and it is one of the most
promising species for cultivation in the laboratory. Species of
Scenedesmusgenus used for waste water treatment[16].
Ecological assessment of water quality of biomass of
phytoplankton showed that the part of river in sampling point
9 appropriate to average clear water class.
Part of the river, particularly in sampling points 1-2
appropriate as a polluted water class, category of strongly
polluted, and part of a river-sampling point 5 appropriate to
the polluted water class, category extremely polluted.
It can be mentioned that the hydrochemical assessment of
water corresponds to the environmental assessment of water
quality of biomass of phytoplankton in points 9 and 2. In the
point 5 the same water with hydro-chemical point of view
refers to the less stained and observed maximum values of
phytoplankton biomass associated with temporary
anthropogenic impacts, which are formed the small artificial
pound, that contributes an active vegetation of planktonic
algae (Photo 1).
Fig. 6. Percentage of major groups of phytoplankton Masrik River, in terms
of the quantity (a) and biomass (b), summer 2014.
This observation has a scientific interest in terms of
prediction of environmental situation in the water in case of
impact on the riverbed, which brings the changes of the water
cycle and conditions.
4. Conclusion
Visual assessment of water samples revealed the presence
of clusters of filaments of algae and peresistant inherent in
municipal wastewater. These visual assessments revealed a
significant organic pollution of river Masrik, which was
confirmed by high levels of BOD5 in water.
According to the evaluation of hydrochemical
characteristics, it can be concluded about the ongoing impact
of Sotk gold deposit on the water quality of the river Masrik,