American Journal of Environmental Protection
2015; 4(3-1): 44-50
Published online June 23, 2015 (
doi: 10.11648/j.ajep.s.2015040301.18
ISSN: 2328-5680 (Print); ISSN: 2328-5699 (Online)
Peculiarities of Development of Phytoplankton as an
Indicator of the Ecological State in Modern Hydrochemical
Conditions of Masrik River
Hambaryan L. R.1, Nalbandyan M. A.2, Poghosyan A. M.2
Department of Ecology and Nature Protection, Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia
Institute of Geological Sciences of the NAS Yerevan, Armenia
Email address:
[email protected] (Hambaryan L. R.), [email protected] (Nalbandyan M. A.), [email protected] (Poghosyan A. M.)
To cite this article:
Hambaryan L. R., Nalbandyan M. A., Poghosyan A. M.. Peculiarities of Development of Phytoplankton as an Indicator of the Ecological
State in Modern Hydrochemical Conditions of Masrik River. American Journal of Environmental Protection. Special Issue: Applied
Ecology: Problems, Innovations. Vol. 4, No. 3-1, 2015, pp. 44-50. doi: 10.11648/j.ajep.s.2015040301.18
Abstract: This paper is related to the study of hydro chemical characteristics and the phytoplankton of the river Masrik. For
planktonic study, algae were selected from 3 sampling sites: two from tributaries of the river and one from the river Masrik.
Hydro chemical monitoring includes 9 sampling points. The study includes the spring of 2014 and the summer of 2013.
According to the hydro chemical research of water, the pH ranged from 6.5-7.3. In 2014, the pH was lower compared with the
spring of the previous year. Among tested anions, in some areas, relatively high level of sulfates were reached 80 -120 mg /L.
Total hardness ranged from 0,6-5,6 mg-eqv /L, and the total mineralization - was ranged from 60 to 430 mg /L. Studies of
heavy metals revealed a relatively high content of lead, nickel and chromium in water. Visual assessment revealed a significant
organic pollution of Masrik river, which confirmed by high levels of BOD5 in water in 2014. In Masrik river mainly 3 groups
of algae were detected: diatoms, green and blue-green. Dominant group was diatoms. Dominated types of algae were βmezosaprobs (about 53%), which indicated the average level of organic pollution of the river. As a part of the green algae
Spirogira sp. was found. The maximum number of phytoplankton in the investigated areas was 16,854,000 cells / L, and the
biomass was 162g /m3, the minimum rates - respectively 464 000 cells /l in and 2.8 g/m3 for biomass. In water samples well
developed whorls algae of the genus Chara were found, which presence indicates anthropogenic pollution. Thus, in a more
acidic environment, the presence of high levels of organic pollution creates favorable conditions for the growth and
development not only phytoplankton such as algae, but also for macrophytes, which indicates the reduction of ecological status
of rivers.
Keywords: Ecological Monitoring, Water Quality, Saprobity, Phytoplankton, Hydrochemical Characteristics
1. Introduction
The main purpose of this work is an investigation of hydro
chemical features, quantitative and qualitative compounds of
phytoplankton in the river Masrik. This research is an
example of interdisciplinary study of aquatic ecosystems, that
are under the impact of numerous anthropogenic factors
(agriculture, livestock, domestic and waste water), including
mining (particularly gold) industry.
Study of water quality in the process of environmental
monitoring involves the use of chemical, physical and
biological parameters.
Rivers, especially in industrialized areas most exposed to
pollutants such as heavy metals or hazardous organic
pollutants. It is known that the water quality can be affected
by chemicals such as pH, hardness, and oxygen. The changes
in concentration can increase the toxicity of pollutants.
Biomass of phytoplankton is considered as one of the most
promising methods for assessing aquatic ecosystems in terms
of the functioning of the primary autotrophic link. Data of
phytoplankton in rivers indicate the presence and
transformation of pollution, and can characterize the level of
self-purification of aquatic ecosystem. It is also known that in
the process of contamination of aquatic ecosystems, the
prevailable species saprobity shows the presence of organic
pollution of water [11].
It is very important that hydrobionts have integral response
to changes in environmental conditions, fluctuation of water