Physics Comment Magazine March 2018 Issue Physics Comment March 2018_v1.3 | Page 8

Prof Hendrik Geyer, Interim Director of NITheP, Professor Stephen Hawking and Minister of Science and Technology, Mr Mosibudi Mangena at the opening of NITheP, May 2008. IAU Symposium 339 (Southern Horizons in Time Domain Astronomy) The IAU Symposium 339 was held at the Wallenberg Centre of the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Studies (STIAS), from 13th to 17th November 2017. The IAU Symposium was organised and supported by the International Astronomical Union, the University of Cape Town, the South African Astronomical Observatory and the South African Institute of Physics. The symposium was attended by 125 delegates and 60 talks were presented. The summary of talks can be found here IAUS339 Delegates Group Photo. The IAUS339 included a public talk presented by Dr Stella Kafka, Director of the American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO) titled: "Citizen Astronomy in the era of large surveys" on Monday 13 November 2017 at 19:00- 20:30. Dr Kafka gave a short overview on how astronomy has benefited from citizen contributions in various projects. She also discussed how now, more than ever, citizen involvement in projects is needed to advance our knowledge and understanding of variable objects, and she also presented ways citizen astronomers can significantly participate in new collaborations, complementing data acquired from facilities such as MeerKAT and SALT, for cutting-edge science. 8 | P a g e