Physics Comment Magazine March 2018 Issue Physics Comment March 2018_v1.3 | Page 23

The Benchmark Statement further emphasise that a physics degree should enhance the following type of skills: • Problem-solving skills - physics degree programmes involve students in solving problems with well- defined solutions. They shou ld also gain experience in tackling open-ended problems. Students should develop their ability to formulate problems in precise terms and to identify key issues. They should develop the confidence to try different approaches in order to make progress on challenging problems; • Investigative skills - students will have opportunities to develop their skills of independent investigation. Students will generally have experience of using textbooks and other available literature, of searching databases and the Internet, and of interacting with colleagues to derive important information; • Communication skills - physics and the mathematics used in physics deal with unexpected ideas and difficult concepts; good communication is essential. A physics degree should develop a student's ability to listen carefully, to read demanding texts, and to present complex information in a clear and concise manner; • Analytical skills - physics helps students appreciate the need to pay attention to detail and to develop their ability to manipulate precise and intricate ideas, to construct logical and reasoned arguments, and to use technical language correctly; • ICT skills - during their studies, students will develop their computing and ICT skills in a variety of ways, including their ability to use appropriate software such as programming languages and analysis • packages; and Personal skills - students should develop their ability to work independently, to use their initiative and to organise themselves to meet deadlines. They should gain experience of group work and be able to interact constructively. Page 9 plagiarism constitute unethical scientific behaviour. They should be objective, unbiased and truthful in all aspects of their work and recognise the limits of their knowledge. For the detailed Benchmark Statement please visit: Congratulatory message on SA Physics Olympiad Winners for 2017 who did well in their matric Congratulations to the SAPhO2017 winners, both Matric and SAPhO results are outstanding achievements and wishing you well for the future. It is the aim of the SAIP to try and keep track of our SAPhO winners and SAIP would be most grateful if you could let us know what your plans are, where and what you are hoping to study and finally if there is anything that the SAIP can do to assist. Unfortunately, we are not yet in a position to assist financially, but there are other ways that we might be able to. Angus Thring (SAPhO 2017 Gold Medallist) obtained 7 distinctions in Grade 12 while Thomas Hettasch from Deutsche Internationale Schule of Pretoria attained 8 distinctions. The Bronze medallist Graham Mitchell is currently doing Grade 12 at Pretoria Boys High School. 23 | P a g e