Physics Comment Magazine March 2018 Issue Physics Comment March 2018_v1.3 | Page 14
building a knowledge-based economy by strengthening the Science Engineering and Technology (SET) human
capital development pipeline, through stimulating interest in physics using strategies such as; physics in industry
day, science educators’ skills enhancement, outreach and public understanding of physics targeting the public in
general, learners, educators, undergraduate students and industry.
The SAIP will leverage its large footprint; the SAIP has membership in most research and academic institutions
across South Africa, in addition, the SAIP annual conference is attended by an average of 450 physicists
annually. It will also include an outreach component in its annual conference and will also provide a platform
for mentoring and coaching of learners. The programme will rotate throughout the country to those regions
where the SAIP annual conference will be held.
Target Beneficiaries:
• The public, which needs to understand how physics improves their everyday life. The public
perception is important because a learner’s subject choices at high school and subsequent career
choices are not only influenced by how bright they are, but by the information coming from the
community in which they live and interact with daily
Previously disadvantaged communities such as rural areas, farms, and townships
• Science educators
• Primary and Secondary School Pupils
• Science Centres
• National research and science facilities which can publicise physics career and study opportunities
they offer during the event
• Academics and researchers who would gain skills in science communication and how they can share
their world with public
• University students, both undergraduate and postgraduate
• Policy Makers
2018 STEMI Olympiads And Competition CoP Conference
Report by Ndanga Mahani, SAIP Office
The Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Innovation (STEMI) Olympiads and Competitions
Community of Practice conference was held from 19 – 22 February 2018 at Burgers Park Hotel, Pretoria.
The theme of the conference was: "Building a culture of volunteerism and community service in ". It was
organised by the South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement (SAASTA) on
behalf of Department of Science and Technology.
The STEMI Olympiads and Competitions Community of Practice Conference is an annual conference which
is dedicated to the advancement of the Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and
Innovation (STEMI) Olympiads and Competitions in South Africa by creating a community of practice
where best practices are identified and benchmarked. This is achieved by bringing Olympiad and
Competition organisers and other industry stakeholders together to present academic and non-academic
research and talks to facilitate a platform for engagement between parties.
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