Physics Comment Magazine March 2018 Issue Physics Comment March 2018_v1.3 | Page 10

The 29th General Assembly RESOLVED to mandate Council to writeto the Chair of the African Union Development), Resolution 12 (The ICSU-ISSC merger), and the earlier mentioned resolution 18 (Physics in Africa). Commission, appealing for support for Basic Sciences in Africa, continuation of the AU effort to bring at least 1% of GDP to the budget of Science and Technology in each African state, and empowerment of Women in Science in Africa. All the approved resolutions adopted by the 29th IUPAP General Assembly are available at: http:// uploads/2017/02/Resolutions-of- the-29th-General- Assembly_v2.pdf. The 29th IUPAP General Assembly provided an opportunity for the South African delegation to connect to colleagues around the world to discuss matters relevant to Physics in Africa. The South African delegation met with Dr Amy Flatten [Director of International Affairs, American Physical Society (APS)] and Prof Patricia McBride to talk about collaborative programs between APS and SAIP, in the light of the APS Physics in Africa project and the related survey that was conducted (see also the article in the November 2017 edition of Physics Comment). 10 | P a g e Prof Vanderlei Bagnato (Brazil) proposed an Africa - Brazil workshop in 2018. The idea is to promote contact among the researchers in order to start cooperation, exchange of students. Topics can be diverse and must involve physics in agriculture, health care, microbiological control and fundamental physics. The proposal is to send three researchers (including a student) per country from Ghana, Senegal, Tunisia, Botswana and South Africa to Brazil for the workshop. Details about this workshop, and opportunities to attend this workshop will be advertised via the SAIP communication channels. In the sidelines of the General Assembly, Nobel laureate Prof William D. Phillips gave a well-attended and fun filled public lecture on “Time, Einstein, and the coolest stuff in the Universe”. During the afternoons of the three days of the General Assembly, chairs of the working groups presented science highlights from their commissions.