Physics Class 12 Chapter 3 Current Electricity CBSE Class 12 Physics Chapter3 Current Electricity | Page 10

Equivalent emf , Eeq Equivalent Internal resistance req Current in the circuit , I = nE / ( R + nr / m )
or I = mnE / mR + nr
Note Current in this circuit will be maximum when external resistance is equal to the equivalent internal resistance , i . e .,
R = nr / m ⇒ mR = nr
Kirchhoff ’ s Laws
There are two Kirchhoff ’ s laws for solving complicated electrical circuits
( i ) Junction Rule The algebraic sum of all currents meeting at a junction in a closed circuit is zero , i . e ., Σ I = O .
This law follows law of conservation of charge .
( ii ) Loop Rule The algebraic sum of all the potential differences in any closed circuit is zero , i . e .,
ΣV = 0 ⇒ ΣE = ΣIR This law follows law of conservation of energy .
Balanced Wheatstone Bridge
Wheatstone bridge is also known as a metre bridge or slide wire bridge .
This is an arrangement of four resistance in which one resistance is unknown and rest known . The Wheatstone bridge as shown in figure . The bridge is said to be balanced when deflection in galvanometer is zero , i . e ., ig = O .
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