Physics Class 11 Chapter 2. Units and Measurements | Page 14

Sum or Difference
Raised to Power
Resultant value
Z = A ± B
Z = AB
Z = A k
Result with error
Z ± ΔZ = ( A ± ΔA ) + ( B ± ΔB )
Z ± ΔZ = ( A ± ΔA ) ( B ± ΔB )
Z ± ΔZ = ( A ± ΔA ) k
Resultant error range
± ΔZ = ± ΔA ± ΔB
ΔZ / Z = ΔA / A ± ΔB / B
Maximum error ΔZ = ΔA + ΔB
ΔZ / Z = ΔA / A + ΔB / B ΔZ / Z = k ( ΔA / A )
Sum of absolute errors
Sum of relative errors
k times relative error
Significant Figures
Every measurement results in a number that includes reliable digits and uncertain digits . Reliable digits plus the first uncertain digit are called significant digits or significant figures . These indicate the precision of measurement which depends on least count of measuring instrument .
Example , period of oscillation of a pendulum is 1.62 s . Here 1 and 6 are reliable and 2 is uncertain . Thus , the measured value has three significant figures .
Rules for determining number of significant figures o All non-zero digits are significant .