Physicians Office Resource Volume 8 Issue 09 | Page 18

VATplus$Vestibular$Test 3"Vital"Tests"for"the"Price"of"1 Diagnostic"Testing"for"Dizziness,"Balance,"Gait Autonomic"Nervous"System"(ANS) Pulse"Wave"Velocity"(PWV) Ankle"Brachial"Index"(ABI) Prevent"Falls"That"Lead"to"Serious"Injury! Na8onal&Average&Reimbursement&$345 Nat'l&Average&Reimbursement&$2006$300 In#15#minutes,#iden.fy#pa.ents#at#risk#for: #9729 Sudden#Death Silent#Heart#AOack Hypertension Cardiac#Autonomic#Neuropathy Diabe.c#Autonomic#Neuropathy Orthosta.c#Hypotension Syncope and#other#Hidden#Diseases *##Test#takes#ONLY#10>15#minutes *##Complete#diagnos.c#evalua.on#of#ear#&#eye *##Report#with#interpreta.on#for#all#pa.ents *,#NO#pa.ent#discomfort #9728 *##Easily#administered#by#current#staff IMPORTANT: DO NOT ENLARGE, REDUCE OR MOVE the FIM and POSTNET barcodes. They are only Special care must be taken to ensure FIM and POSTNET barcode are actual size AND placed properly on to meet both USPS regulations and automation compatibilityinformation 855-565-2500 Call for more standards. w w w. a dva n ce d c l i n i c a l p ro d u c t s . co m General#reimbursement#informa.on#is#being#provided#only#as#of#December#1,#2013,#on#an#“as#is” content# contained# herein.# The# informa.on# does# not# cons.tute# professional# or# legal# advice# on# coding# or# reimbursement# and# should# be# used# at# your# sole# liability# and# discre.on.# All# coding,# policies# and# reimbursement# informa.on#is#subject#to#change#without#no.ce.#Before#filing#any#claims,#it#is#the#provider’s#responsibility#to#verify#current#requirements#and#policies#with#the#payor. NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES BUSINESS REPLY MAIL FIRST-CLASS MAIL PERMIT NO. 104 MANCHESTER NH POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE PHYSICIANS OFFICE RESOURCE 43 GOLDEN DR BEDFORD NH 03110-9941 Physicians Office Resource 18