Physicians Office Resource Volume 8 Issue 03 | Page 30

THE TRANSITION FROM EQC TO IQCP... part of the testing procedure or as a separate manual. Completely voluntary. Like the other CLIA QC requirements, IQCP is intended for nonwaived testing; however, you may perform a risk assessment and develop an individualized plan for ANY test in your POL, including waived tests. Whereas IQCP is voluntary labs may use it for all, some, or none of the test systems in their laboratory. Indeed, laboratories can continue to run the CLIA “default” QC – two levels of external control each day of patient testing – instead of implementing Individualized QC Plans. The manufacturer’s QC recommendation will remain the minimum acceptable QC protocol, but it may be necessary to develop an IQCP if you chose to follow this protocol. If the manufacturer’s QC recommendations for the test are less than the default CLIA requirement of two levels per day (for instance, the manufacturer’s instructions say to run controls with each lot number change), your lab may: • Perform the default requirement of two levels per day AND run controls with each lot number change (to satisfy the manufacturer’s requirement); OR • Develop an IQCP for the test to show that all relevant errors will be detected