Meaningful Use
before plunging in , launching new IT initiatives department by department can save the system a shock . Try doing it with a pilot group , then roll it out to the rest of the physicians . Another must-do is treating the process as an ongoing evolution as opposed to a one-off implementation . In setting up CPOE , the first piece is getting physicians to give you feedback .
6 . Remember the roles . Healthcare IT makes inroads everywhere from scooping up at risk patients to providing clinical decision support . It can also make every aspect of a patient ' s healthcare record available to them in intimate detail . This is a lot of raw knowledge , and without guidance and help interpreting the information , it won ' t do much to empower the patient or improve their literacy . You could be looking at something that looks alarming but actually looks normal [ to the doctor ]. Being able to communicate that in some way along with the results is critical . Giving patients access to their data is the keystone of Meaningful
Use and it has the power to enhance the level of healthcare dialogue between provider and patient . However , providers need to be clear about the ambiguities of raw data and how misleading or confusing it can be . Education goes hand in hand with opening up records and test results to patients . It ' s the only way to ensure that the information is actually actionable .
7 . Minimize risk , maximize benefit . Meaningful use has financial consequences tied to it . Not attesting leads to such penalties , and that is often the incentive used to bring it to healthcare . Much of the power healthcare stands to gain in the ACOcentered landscape will result from smarter collection and use of data . Return on information , not return on investment is the outcome . While there are laws and compliance penalties in place to prod adoption , the real driver to attest to meaningful use is all of the good that it can do for a patient population . That works out best for the bottom line , too .
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Call : 818-519-4779 or Visit : www . mdpgrp . com Michael D . Paquin , FHIMSS
22 Physicians Office Resource