Physicians Office Resource Volume 11 Issue 02 | Page 24

# 3235
Cost Effective Alternative to Traditional Liquid Nitrogen Methods
From Cool Renewal
Cool Renewal , LLC is proud to offer physicians a new and more cost effective method of cryosurgery , Cool Renewal ® Cryosurgical System . Cool Renewal ® is a convenient and cost effective alternative to traditional liquid nitrogen methods and equipment , as well as other expensive portable cryosurgery systems . At Cool Renewal , LLC , we want to give every physician in the world the opportunity to expand their services offered by treating benign skin lesions at an affordable and profitable rate .
View Brochures , Videos & More at : POR . io Enter Number : 3235 in the Search Area
New FT4 Assay Available Today
From NenoEnTek
Free Thyroxine ( FT4 ) is a valuable test to complement our trusted TSH assay . On average , for every three TSH test currently performed in the POL , a FT4 is requested . You can now perform the FT4 along with the TSH in your own lab . No other product comes close to the FREND™ assays for Ease of Use , Quick Results , and Price .
# 3236
View Brochures , Videos & More at : POR . io Enter Number : 3236 in the Search Area
# 3237
HemoCue ® Glucose 201 Analyzer
From HeniCue
The HemoCue Glucose 201 System is a CLIA-waived glucose analyzer for use as an aid for in-office diagnosing and monitoring of diabetes . Unique HemoCue microcuvette technology provides lab- accurate results in just three simple steps with higher reimbursements than home meters or alternate methods .
View Brochures , Videos & More at : POR . io Enter Number : 3237 in the Search Area
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