Physicians Office Resource Volume 11 Issue 02 | Page 12

# 3204
Focus on Spirometry
Micro I Spirometer
From MicroDirect
Specifically designed for situations where low cost precision spirometry measurements are required , the Micro I Spirometer measures the following parameters FEV1 , FVC , PEF , FEF25-75 , FEV6 , FEV1 / FVC , FEV1 / FEV6 , FEF25 and FEF25 that can be displayed along with percent predicted and post bronchodilator comparisons and provide an optional printout if needed . Extremely lightweight and portable making it suitable for hospital outreach clinics , bedside screenings , health fair screenings and other situations where remote testing is required .
View Brochures , Videos & More at : POR . io Enter Number : 3204 in the Search Area
Stress Free QC Analysis
From Randox
Following extensive development based on customer feedback , Randox QC are pleased to announce the launch of Acusera 24.7 Live Online Version 2.0 . Features include ;
• Instant peer group updates enabling effective troubleshooting
• Advanced statistical analysis featuring the automatic calculation of Sigma Metrics , % Bias , Measurement Uncertainty and Total Error
• Fully interactive Charts enabling quick and easy performance monitoring
• Automated data import via a direct connection to your LIMS
View Brochures , Videos & More at : POR . io Enter Number : 3205 in the Search Area
# 3170
# 3205
# 3206
HbA1c Testing
From Siemens
Clinical studies show that in-office HbA1c results improve decision making , patient compliance , and outcomes . In minutes , have all these clinical advantages by performing HbA1c testing in your office with the Siemens DCA Vantage Analyzer : CLIA-waived A1c results in minutes from a fingerstick sample • NGSP certified and aligned with DCCT results • Comparable accuracy to lab A1c results • Robust , flexible data management & connectivity options for EMR / LIS systems • Market Leader for Point of Care HbA1c testing • Optional microalbumin / creatinine test for early detection / monitoring of kidney disease .
View Brochures , Videos & More at : POR . io Enter Number : 3206 in the Search Area
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