Dear Renown Medical Staff Colleagues ,
As last week marked the Thanksgiving holiday , it is the perfect time to say , “ Thank you ”. Thank you for your collaboration , innovation , and patience through the national IV fluid shortage . One would have hoped that after COVID , that we would be spared national emergencies for longer ; however , that was not to be .
As we are all aware , Hurricane Helene on October 3rd had a devastating impact on North Carolina and on the Baxter International IV fluid manufacturing plant . The plant was flooded and its bridges washed away , leading to a 60 % reduction in the nation ’ s IV fluids .
From the very first days , pharmacy , nursing , OR , supply chain , operational and physician leaders and front-line staff came together to meet the goal of to reduce our IV and irrigation fluid use by 40 % while continuing to provide exceptional care to our community .
We really appreciate how so many accepted the challenge . All told , the collective efforts were impressive .
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