The CIDET approach : A Key Improvement Tool for Renown Health
C - Connect : Greet the patient by name , make eye contact , smile and acknowledge family or friends in the room .
I - Introduce : Introduce yourself and explain your role in providing their care .
D - Duration : Give the patient a time frame for the duration of their visit , i . e .: receiving labs , discharge and so forth . If this is not possible , let the patient know when you will be in to update them .
E - Explanation : Explain each step of their visit , answer questions and let the patient know how they can contact you , i . e .: the call light button and so forth .
T - Thank You : Express gratitude for choosing your facility and for their communication and cooperation . Thank family members and friends for being there to support the patient .
It is important to note that the surveys are about patient experience and not satisfaction . They attempt to determine whether key aspects of care ( such as clear communication with a doctor ) happen and how often . In contrast , satisfaction is more about whether expectations were met or not .
Some key clinical pearls for improving patient experience involve the following :
• Active listening and giving the patient and family time to talk
• Sitting down whenever possible
• Making eye contact
• Inviting questions
• Reviewing the chart and clinical information before seeing the patient , especially thoughts / plans of consultants
• “ Managing up ” members of the team . The perceptions of the clinical “ teamwork ” is a key driver of overall experience and confidence of care .
• Connecting : it is important to not just properly address patients but also to know patients as individuals . Referencing family , hobbies , or careers is very important .
Thank you for your help in improving our patient experience . We are all in this together .
We recognize these specific units for their excellent work in surpassing the 75th percentile in their overall scores :
Labor & Delivery Trauma ICU First Floor - South Meadows Antepartum Roseview ICU