John Roth
Self Portrait
Skateboarding has been a huge part of my life as long as I can remember, from longboards to Penny boards I shredded them all, so when being assigned this skateboarding is the first thing that popped in my head. At first I was a little confused on how I could take a self portrait without actually being in the shot. After brainstorming for a while I thought about how skateboarding looked through my eyes. When going outside to take the shots the first thing I thought of was all the times i've fallen while trying to jump huge stair sets and thought about how I could capture that in POV with a camera. I laid my board about where it usually lands when I kick it out from under my feet when bailing on a stair set and then laid on the ground as If I had actually just bailed over stairs like I've done in the past, I even focused in on the skateboard but blurred the rest to simulate what it's really like to fall that hard and be all shooken up. I think there were many different ways you could have interpreted this assignment, however I believe i've captured what it's like through my eyes on the daily, a true self portrait.