An Introduction To MY Photography
Tom Ventola
Photography is a beautiful form of art because it can capture any moment of any variety in a beautiful still motion essence. While a lot of people concentrate their photography on one subject, idea, my ideology of photography is different. I am very in the moment oriented when it comes to photography, and dint really go out of my way to try and make pictures happen. That is the beauty of photography, because it presents itself in so many different settings, environments, and scenarios, that there is an infinite amount of things, scenarios, and ideas you can photograph.
My background in photography isn't of anything serious capabilities, I've just had the love for capturing a good moment in the right time. My photography isn't much of planned shoots, but more on the lines of how I go about my life and the cool different little situations and events in my life where a photo might present itself and I will have to capture the moment. This is the beauty about this type of photography because you dont even know what you want to photograph till you've already found it.