Photography in most people's eyes is conceived as a still imagery basis of maybe a posing individual, or a serene background portrayed in front of the photographer on top of a mountain, yet the paparazzi still exists today. The issue with this is that the paparazzi embodies everything that's the exact opposite of the basis of photography. What I mean by this is the intrusion of privacy, which in turn takes away from the scenery of the image, and also the fact that there are 100 people all trying to take the same picture as everyone else and expose the flaws of said person being photographed for the profit of the paparazzi themselves, which is highly immoral.
The argument here is what can we do as enjoyers of photography to shun the paparazzi and hopefully one day eliminate it or make sure they can profit off of the intimate details of the life of famous people. For example, A representative of many hollywood stars such as Ben Affleck,
and Leonardo DiCaprio states “They're totally out of control. It is crazy to have packs of people, whose full-time, quote, job, is to get the most embarrassing photo they can of a celebrity”(Sunshine). My solution to this problem is that we as the photography enjoyers must join together and not only reject the spreading of paparazzi by standing up
against tabloids and websites such as TMZ and Extra, but making it societally immoral by making it commonly known how intrusive and unfair the paparazzi are the the personal lives of said celebrities being photographed.
Paparazzi And Its Bad Rep On Photography
By: Tom Ventola