unraveled crown of thorns...that digs into her neck, signifying her self-representation as a Christian martyr and the enduring pain from her failed marriage” (Frida Kahlo Biography) while others may interpret the thorns representing physical pain. Birds indicate freedom and life while the black bird around her neck shows lack of freedom from her husband and their relationship, from her illness, and her inability to have children, therefore resulting in her lack of living. Her expression on her face represents her overall struggle in life and draws the audience in. These elements create Kahlo’s signature style within her paintings and add a deeper meaning to all of her paintings.
"Through An Artist's Eyes"
Oil on canvas
I believe art should convey something important or make someone feel a certain way. Concepts are not an essential part in art, in fact many artists just like to paint what they want with no need for explanation, but art can be a powerful form of communication. When I create my artwork, I make it personal or able to be related to the viewers. Most of my pieces include people that I am close with or elements that can relate to my life. I painted an oil painting called “Through an Artist’s Eyes” which had my hands ready to paint on a clean canvas and in the background were past artworks hanging on the wall. This painting had personal elements being my hands and my past artwork I’ve completed. I enjoy painting pieces that are personal so when I look back on them, it’s looking at the growth I’ve made in my style as well as looking back on old memories. My artwork, similar to Frida Kahlo’s work, included a purpose. The purpose was in the idea, the composition, the objects, as well as the color choice and the techniques. Artists have visual power to capture the audience’s attention and spread awareness on issues or even to spark emotion in someone.
I love Kahlo’s work for the way she can make someone feel. When I look at her work I’m able to understand her pain that she suffered through her life. Her artwork doesn’t show her pain in a straightforward way since she uses cats and monkeys to represent her struggles but that’s what I like about it. Her artwork is strange and different and is almost like solving a math equation, only in art terms. You have to see her collection of works to understand her patterns in symbols and understand the meaning behind her pieces. I enjoy looking at Kahlo’s work because although some paintings may seem realistic and normal, there’s meaning behind every color applied or every object created. Frida’s work captivated the public through her decisions in including specific objects and the emotion she was able to portray.
“Biography of Frida Kahlo.” Frida Kahlo - The Complete
Works - Biography, 2002,
“Frida Kahlo Biography, Art, and Analysis of Works.” The Art Story, THE ART STORY
FOUNDATION, 2017, www.theartstory.org/artist-kahlo-frida-artworks.htm.
Digital vs Traditional Art
There are many mediums when it comes to creating art. Mediums began with the traditional drawings, paintings, and sculptures. Since then, technology has become more advanced, making new ways of creating art. Digital art has expanded with various applications to use like Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator. Easier access to computers has allowed digital art to expand over the years and become more popular. The debate between digital and traditional art has been around for years. Traditional art refers to “fine arts that use the old methods for creating artwork, such as pens, brushes, clay and other tools” (Traditional). Being an art major, I have formed my own opinions on digital art. Artists argue that digital art is a way of taking shortcuts to make art rather than learning the fundamentals, while digital artists describe their art as a different tool that’s incorporated in their work. Being a painter, artwork shouldn’t be something copied or traced, it should be something innovative and original. Is digital or traditional work favored over the other? Digital and traditional art are both art forms that introduce different elements, but does one medium dominate?
We’re in a modern time. Technology takes over with new updates on cell phones and laptops and new applications to use. When technology continued to rise, advancements and changes in the arts occurred. Graphic design was a new style of art where colors, shapes, and geometry was used. When computers were created, graphic design became more used since it was accessible. Computers were the new tool and applications like Photoshop and Illustrator became popular. Many artists feel as though digital work is a cheat in the arts and may include shortcuts like mixing colors, creating shapes, tracing forms, and adding layers. Graphic Design has tools that make some processes easier but do computers take away from the art in graphic design? Different mediums require different tools. When learning the fundamentals of art, many of the procedures that are taught can be recreated on a computer but in a simpler way, causing some people to lack the skills of drawing. When artists, specifically graphic designers, are able to use the computer as an extension of their knowledge rather than depend on digital filters and effects, the artwork is more original, creative, and innovative in the end (Digital).
Graphic design is a style of art that for me, a painter, is much more difficult and disconnected. Hands on work that I can physically grasp is the style of work that I prefer. Although some artists are able to scan in traditional or physical artwork to create something mixed media, computers are just not some people’s specialty. My ideas need a direct route to the paper rather than floating on a computer screen. Traditional art can be seen as more likeable due to the physical connection from the artist to the paper. Being able to understand the fundamentals of art and using the applications as a tool rather than depending on it, can be determined on whether or not an artist's work is successful .
Graphic design is computerized and includes tools different than traditional or physical artwork. Traditional art can have an assortment of styles created through the human hand. Rather than a computer, paintings, drawings, and sculptures use more organic tools. There is a connection from the hand to the canvas/material that digital art may not achieve. Computers may cause a disconnect from the work to the artist since the artist is using tools that quicken processe, are harder to manage, or since their work is viewed on a screen. Traditional artwork is beautiful in a way that the artist was able to portray their emotion through their color pallette, their line work, and their subject matter. Graphic designers are still able to represent emotion through the same elements but seeing work that was created through long gestural arm motions instead of from sitting at a computer screen may be more interesting or satisfying to look at. Traditional work can be viewed as more sentimental or personal since the work is not saved on a computer. Graphic designers are able save their work and print multiple copies. Artists who use traditional mediums don’t have a redo button. Once a piece of art is created the original would be sold or kept and copies would be made. Although both art styles are able to make copies and prints, traditional art will always have an “original”. The time put into these pieces without using digital shortcuts introduces a new aspect of the debate where traditional paintings generally take longer from drying paint or fired clay. Traditional artwork includes processes and procedures not used in the digital aspect of art but can be appreciated throughout each style.
Artwork is just a collection of people’s opinions and perspectives. Is it really okay to argue about which style of work is better? Everyone should have a favorite type of work but learn to enjoy all art styles. Embracing everyone’s views and ideas makes the world only look more creative. I simply like paintings and drawings better than any digital work. I don’t feel a connection to the piece therefore I have no motivation to finish it. I have a physical connection to the mediums that I work with. I need to be able to manipulate the medium and enjoy the process of creating the piece in order for me to enjoy the style of work. Digital art and traditional art are both styles of work that use different tools. One style of work might allow for a quicker product or one may allow you to connect better emotionally but no matter which style, each have pros and cons. Even though one does not feel intrigued by the media of a piece of artwork, appreciate the difference and the challenge or even the shortcuts used. Love all art forms and embrace all mediums. Rather than forcing digital and traditional artwork to be against each other, join them in admiring artwork as a whole.