A few days later I was sitting in the Dr’s office in Colombia when he told me that it is the most sweet sorrow that I will have in my life. He performed an echo on me and I saw Mia wave to me at just 15 weeks. From that moment on I fell in love with her and it didn't matter that everybody told me to abort even though I knew that the future uncertainty was going to be hard. I started to think from this moment moving forward that everything was ultimately going to be OK and Google became my best friend. My world became better and everything started to fall in place and I truly believed in her and that everything was going to be alright.
At that time all I needed was time to cope and do research. Even a after a year I am still learning things through social media, my ever favorite Google, and through a community organization.
I thought that my Doctors didn’t know what they were doing with Mia at first.
Now, granted, I have been lucky with our little Princess as she’s been able to reinforce that a diagnosis doesn’t mean the same thing for every person. She’s hit her milestones, some of them have even been met early. She sits, rolls, claps, waves, eats, sleeps, drinks, plays, and laughs just like any other baby. Mia has her likes and her dislikes and feelings that she’s not afraid to show. She has her routines, her successes, and her failures just like everyone, and we all love every second of it.
Mia has been so healthy and active that we have to sometimes remind ourselves that she does have Down Syndrome. It isn't just something we see when we look at her. She has changed our lives for the better and I wouldn't want it any other way. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I know that I may be a little more paranoid or over protective of her, maybe even too proactive, but I don't consider this a bad thing. As her mother, I want to make people see that those with Down Syndrome can do everything they set there mind to do. I will be her voice forever and always and love her no matter what the future brings.
Pictures of MIa's first birthday from private collection