Photo Live Magazine First Issue Photo live - cat's add in 2017 versioin | Page 194

chris niccolls Chris you’re the host of The Camera Store TV, how did that start out Jordan and I decided to do a store tour really only in an effort to have some sort of audio visual appeal on our website. He had just recently started at TCS and had a background in film making. I taught photography regularly and so was capable of public speaking in front of crowds. So we figured we would give it a try and see what happened. It was not our best production to say the least but there was something there and we worked well together. The rest is history. Do you think the traditional photography store business model needs to change? What I mean is we’ve seen major retailers in the past close, how do you see the future for your type of store? It’s has changed drastically. If you think of it in terms of a pyramid, 194 the base and largest group of people were the casual memory makers wanting point and shoots and simple cameras. In the middle you had a smaller group of enthusiasts who took photography in a more serious way buying SLRs and advanced lenses. At the top of course the smallest group are the working professionals. Cell phones largely took away that whole bottom layer and thus a big part of the photo industries business. So the key for us during this downturn is to diversify into drones, and video equipment, sound gear, and even telescopes. Further it is because of our website and across canada sales which is in no small part supported by the YouTube brand we’ve created. Hopefully in the future we can branch out into more international sales and continue to improve our web presence. On the Youtube channel, you’ve probably tested and played with as many different cameras as